Prof. Dr. Stefanie Kreuzer
Modern German literature / Media Studies, Kassel
Prof. Dr. Stefanie Kreuzer
University of Kassel
FB 02 Geistes- und Kulturwissenschaften
Institur für Germanistik
Kurt-Wolters-Straße 5
34125 Kassel
Tel. +49(0)561 / 804-3319
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Profile cultural dream studies:
Biographical Note
Stefanie Kreuzer is a graduate of the University of Kassel (2001), the art school of Kassel (›Kunsthochschule Kassel‹, 2002), the Goethe University in Frankfurt (PhD 2005) and the University of Hanover (Habilitation 2012). Since 2013 she is Junior Professor at the German Department of the Saarland University. Since 2015 deputy spokeswoman of the ›DFG-Graduiertenkolleg‹ »Europäische Traumkulturen/European Dream-Cultures« (GRK 2021, homepage: Her research interests include dreamlike narration in literature, film, and visual arts; the literary fantastic, postmodernism, realism; literature from the late 18th to the 21st century; narratology, intertextuality, intermediality; film and media studies.
Cinematic representations of dreams in the course of changing cinematographic means (1895–1950)
Based on the established but at the same time sweeping dream-film-analogy as well as on the synaesthetic qualities of dreaming, fictional cinematic representations of the dream experience are to be examined in the context of the changing cinematographic means of early silent film (up to about 1936), sound film (since about 1921) up to colour film (experiments since 1895). Both the invention of film and the mentioned technical developments are established in the second half of the century of psychology and range from the end of the 19th to about the mid of the 20th century. The focus is on the correlations between individual and time-specific dream knowledge, the possibilities of the medium film, and on the specific form and function of aesthetic means of dream representation in feature films.